At the beginning of the school year, TY 4B entered a competition run by Yann Studios; the task was to create an image for a photo that illustrated Alzheimer’s Disease. We had a speaker visit GCS from Yann Studios to explain what was expected, and to talk about the fundraiser.
36 groups from a large number of Secondary Schools in Galway entered the competition. The aim was to get the most ‘likes’ on Facebook over a 48 hour period. Two groups from GCS ‘the first to fade’ and ‘fading memories’ were among the top 24 who were invited to the Menlo Park Hotel in Galway on November 9th for the final selection of 12 photos for the calendar.
Both entries from Gort Community School were selected for the calendar!
These calendars will go on sale in local communities over the coming weeks. We are very proud of our TY students for being so successfully involved in this charitable (and creative ) project.