Our School Self-Evaluation (SSE) Report and School Improvement Plan (SIP)

Gort Community School is involved in the School Self Evaluation 2023 – 2026 Cycle. School Self-Evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review. An evidence-based approach, it involves gathering information from a range of sources, and then making judgements. All of this is done with a view to focus on improving students’ learning.
As part of this process evidence was gathered during surveys undertaken by students, parents and teachers.
The six step self-evaluation process was followed.

We have looked at learning and teaching in our school to find out what we are doing well. Our main areas of focus for this cycle of SSE are:

  • Teacher led collaboration in the sharing of methodologies and resources
  • Embedding ‘Learning to Learn’ strategies and developing student self-efficacy (where students feel confident that they can take ownership of their learning and experience success)

This is what we did to find out what we were doing well, and what we could do better:

  • Time allocated at all staff meetings for staff presentations on Learning and Teaching provided an open forum for collaboration and discussion on improving Learning and Teaching
  • Regular surveys of students, teachers and parents through Microsoft 365. Feedback from surveys were reviewed, collated and examined
  • Review of Wellbeing Modules for Junior Cycle which included Learning to Learn modules.

This is what we are now going to work on:

  • Continuation of regular staff presentations which will develop Learning and Teaching methodologies
  • Comprehensive Study Skills Programme to further embed “Learning to Learn” strategies and student engagement in learning including the provision of study skills booklets, workshops and modules
  • Continue to use the Wellbeing indicators to review school practice and ensure that the Wellbeing modules are effective at Junior Cycle

This is what you can do to help:

  • Support your child’s learning by creating a supportive study area at home
  • Encourage your child to create good study habits
  • Continue to liaise with your child’s class teachers to support their Engagement in Learning and help the development of their Self-Efficacy
  • Remind your child to reflect regularly on their learning and to note areas for improvement on their work
  • Support your child to reflect on their wellbeing and to identify areas of wellbeing they can improve on